Kamal Mostafa
Software Developer
Electronics Geek
Radio Ham
Ubuntu Kernel Engineer
I've worked at
Canonical Ltd.
since 2010 as Senior Software Engineer on the Ubuntu Linux Kernel team.
My skills and qualifications are outlined on
my LinkedIn page
Debian Developer
I became a
Debian Developer
in January 2011, and have served as the
primary maintainer
for several software packages (many ham radio related) in the
operating system.
Various old projects
- general-purpose software audio FSK modem
- Hershey vector fonts and the libhersheyfont library
- frequency sensitive personal light show toy
Raspberry Pi
- Adafruit/SainSmart 1.8" TFT on Raspberry Pi
ARM microcontroller
- Easy cross-compiler toolchain for TI Stellaris ARM Cortex LM4F
DC coupled soundcard DAC mod
- hacking a USB soundcard for DC outputs